Cancelling a Delivery

Just like jobs you are also able to cancel individual deliveries. The same rules apply as when cancelling jobs. If the delivery count for a job is 1 and that delivery is cancelled, the overall job will be cancelled too.

Cancellation Codes

When cancelling a job you can optionally include a cencelation_code to tell us the reason for cancelling the job. Below is a list of available codes:

COURIER_LATEThe courier is running late
DUPLICATEDDouble booked by mistake
NOT_ACCEPTEDJob not accepted by courier
NRTNot received in trunking.
RESCHEDULEDRescheduled for later delivery
TECHNICAL_ISSUESTechnical issues with delivery
TEST_ORDERTest order
NO_NEEDNo need

Cancellation Fees

The following table outlines our standard cancellation fees. For more details on these, contact your account manager.

ConditionAdditional Information
ConditionInsurance fees will not be charged.
Within 180 seconds of booking£0.00Insurance fees will not be charged.
Cancelled prior to pickup because the assigned courier will not be able to pickup/ deliver within the specified time window/s (based on the Gophr ETAs and verified by the Gophr Operations team)£0.00Insurance fees will not be charged.
More than 60 mins before the earliest pickup time10% of the booking fee
Less than 60 mins before the earliest pickup time30% of the booking fee
After the courier has arrived at pickup60% of the booking fee
While the courier is enroute to deliverybetween 60% of and 100% of the booking fee dependent on the distance travelled
When the courier is at the delivery location100% of the booking fee


A delivery can only be cancelled while the job is in draft mode. Once the job is confirmed individual deliveries cannot be cancelled anymore.