Creating a Delivery

IMPORTANT - You can only add a delivery to a draft job.

Once a draft job has been created, you can add a new delivery using the POST /jobs/{job_id}/deliveries endpoint. The parcel_external_id fields sent in the request must be unique within the job.

Currently we only support single pickup jobs, therefore the following fields must match those sent in the original job creation request:

  • pickup_address1
  • pickup_postcode
  • pickup_country_code
  • pickup_person_name
  • pickup_mobile_number

Updating the Delivery Sequence

If the job that you're adding the delivery to has a fixed sequence, then you must also provide the sequence number for the new delivery. Below is a list of scenarios along with how the sequence will be adjusted:

ScenarioImpact on Sequence
New delivery has a sequence number greater than the max existing sequence number.The delivery will be appended to the end of the existing delivery sequence.
New delivery has a sequence number equal to the max existing sequence numberThe delivery will be inserted as the second to last delivery in the sequence.
New delivery has a sequence number equal an existing sequence numberThe delivery will be inserted at the given sequence position and all deliveries later in the sequence will have their position increased by 1.