Cancelling a Job

Cancellation Codes

When cancelling a job you can optionally include a cencelation_code to tell us the reason for cancelling the job. Below is a list of available codes:

COURIER_LATEThe courier is running late
DUPLICATEDDouble booked by mistake
NOT_ACCEPTEDJob not accepted by courier
NRTNot received in trunking.
RESCHEDULEDRescheduled for later delivery
TECHNICAL_ISSUESTechnical issues with delivery
TEST_ORDERTest order
NO_NEEDNo need

Cancellation Fees

The following table outlines our standard cancellation fees. For more details on these, contact you account manager.

ConditionFeeAdditional Information
No courier assigned to the job£0.00Insurance fees will not be charged.
Within 180 seconds of booking£0.00Insurance fees will not be charged.
Cancelled prior to pickup because the assigned courier will not be able to pickup/ deliver within the specified time window/s (based on the Gophr ETAs and verified by the Gophr Operations team)£0.00Insurance fees will not be charged.
More than 60 mins before the earliest pickup time10% of the booking fee
Less than 60 mins before the earliest pickup time30% of the booking fee
After the courier has arrived at pickup60% of the booking fee
While the courier is enroute to deliverybetween 60% of and 100% of the booking fee dependent on the distance travelled
When the courier is at the delivery location100% of the booking fee


Cancelling a job is only possible BEFORE the job has been allocated to a delivery driver. You can check if the job has been allocated through our customer portal. If you need to cancel a job after it has been allocated then please contact our customer support team via the intercom icon from within our customer portal.